
Postgraduate related archieves

Last weekend, from May 15 to May 17, I took a train to Hefei along with more than thirty classmates, to attend the desertation defence, the final phase of the postgraduate study. Those were really busy days for all of us, there were so much forms and paper works for […]

Finished my studies in USTC

Easlier in the month, got a message from the school telling the mid-term examination of our dissertation is incoming. The scheduled time will be around mid-august. I was once told that I can’t be in the list who can have the Thesis Defense in Oct, because I’m a Gendu students. […]

Incoming of the Mid-term examination

Due to unknown reason, the course schedule changed again. I’d say this is really bad, cause everyone knows that students applying for On-the-job degree are busy dealing with both work and study, we have schedules, not only for the courses, but only for jobs. We prefer a stable schedule. However, […]

Rest courses arrangement(final version)

Really happy that I’ve finished my last degree course, Software Project Management. Cost of this exam is I missed my first and also the biggest and most important event of my employer in the year. There are still 5 more required/compulsory courses, that those will be: a. Software Architecture & […]

Finished my last degree course

一个激动人心的时刻:我虽然在中科大上了半年多的课,但一直是属于“跟读一族”,因为还没有参加并通过入学考试。今天收到消息说我们这一届学生马上要开始入学考试了,现在报名。 以下是来自中科大的官方通告:


不要自己做Arff文件,麻烦,你做成.csv,让weka自己另存为就行了。 文本文件打开,把字段名复制到第一段,保存成.csv 举个例子: @RELATION cars @ATTRIBUTE buying REAL @ATTRIBUTE maint REAL @ATTRIBUTE doors REAL @ATTRIBUTE persons REAL @ATTRIBUTE lug-boot REAL @ATTRIBUTE safety REAL @ATTRIBUTE class {unacc,acc,good,v-good} @DATA vhigh,vhigh,2,2,small,low,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,small,med,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,small,high,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,med,low,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,med,med,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,med,high,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,big,low,unacc vhigh,vhigh,2,2,big,med,unacc 然后用Weka打开就可以了。


分类挖掘在图像识别领域的应用 韦国华 (中国科技技术大学 软件工程硕士 上海四期班, 上海 200333) 朱  明 (中国科技技术大学 自动化系, 安徽 合肥 230051) 摘要:视频处理和识别系统是一个较为复杂的计算机软件系统。其处理和识别的结果需要有一个好的可信性分类方法和一个自动化分类工具。目前我们在一些系统上仍然需要人工干预来实现整个系统的完整运行和执行,然而人工的干预工作量大,其判别结果易受人为因素的影响很大,且存在视觉易疲劳和检测速度缓慢等问题,给最终的结果带来很大的干扰。这里我们介绍一种针对一些特定的图像段按色差自动分类的方法,使用从室外采集到的一些随机图像样本实例及其已知的特征数据,将各个图像段进行分类,并对其结果作出客观评估,为提升识别率提供依据。 关键字:数据挖掘;图像处理;分类挖掘 Classification mining in the field of image recognition Wei Guo Hua1,  Zhu Ming2 (1.Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, Shanghai, China; 2. Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology […]

数据挖掘小论文 My draft version of data mining course thesis