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1. Wireshark 1.10.10 source code download The source code can be downloaded from page, and can be downloaded by SVN tools, such as TortoiseSVN, from repository You can download the latest version instead, but the latest version requires Qt, means you need download an extra tool: Qt 5.3.2. […]

Step by step to compile wireshark 1.10.10

BFCP - HelloAck - SupportedPrimitives
I’m participating in a project which was targeted to dual stream control together with MTs of Polycom and Huawei, by using BFCP protocol while a SIPProxy is invloved. Working environment: A. Several MTs working behind different NAT. B. A Polycom SIP Proxy Server in internet. MT: Polycom MT model: POLYCOM […]

BFCP sucks