Image Segmentation Data Set

本来我想用前面那个Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set来完成我的Data mining的结业小论文,但后来在将该Dataset转换为Weka的arff格式时碰到点问题,所以就放弃了,最终将以下面这个Image Segmentation Data Set来写,同时相对来说,这个Dataset也跟我的工作更加相关、相近一些。


Download: Data Folder, Data Set DescriptionAbstract: Image data described by high-level numeric-valued attributes, 7 classes
Data Set Characteristics:   Multivariate Number of Instances: 2310 Area: N/A
Attribute Characteristics: Real Number of Attributes: 19 Date Donated 1990-11-01
Associated Tasks: Classification Missing Values? No Number of Web Hits: 46055



Vision Group, University of Massachusetts


Vision Group (Carla Brodley, brodley ‘@’

Data Set Information:

The instances were drawn randomly from a database of 7 outdoor images. The images were handsegmented to create a classification for every pixel.

Each instance is a 3×3 region.

Attribute Information:

1. region-centroid-col: the column of the center pixel of the region.
2. region-centroid-row: the row of the center pixel of the region.
3. region-pixel-count: the number of pixels in a region = 9.
4. short-line-density-5: the results of a line extractoin algorithm that counts how many lines of length 5 (any orientation) with low contrast, less than or equal to 5, go through the region.
5. short-line-density-2: same as short-line-density-5 but counts lines of high contrast, greater than 5.
6. vedge-mean: measure the contrast of horizontally adjacent pixels in the region. There are 6, the mean and standard deviation are given. This attribute is used as a vertical edge detector.
7. vegde-sd: (see 6)
8. hedge-mean: measures the contrast of vertically adjacent pixels. Used for horizontal line detection.
9. hedge-sd: (see 8).
10. intensity-mean: the average over the region of (R + G + B)/3
11. rawred-mean: the average over the region of the R value.
12. rawblue-mean: the average over the region of the B value.
13. rawgreen-mean: the average over the region of the G value.
14. exred-mean: measure the excess red: (2R – (G + B))
15. exblue-mean: measure the excess blue: (2B – (G + R))
16. exgreen-mean: measure the excess green: (2G – (R + B))
17. value-mean: 3-d nonlinear transformation of RGB. (Algorithm can be found in Foley and VanDam, Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics)
18. saturatoin-mean: (see 17)
19. hue-mean: (see 17)

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Thomas T. Osugi and M. S. EXPLORATION-BASED ACTIVE MACHINE LEARNING. Faculty of The Graduate College at the University of Nebraska In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements. [View Context].

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