EasyIPCam is a simple IP Camera application for your PC(Windows/Linux) or Android Phone, which will capture video/audio from the WebCam or Camera of your smartphone and streaming out with RTSP/RTP protocol, and I’m also embedded a HTTP server in this software, means you can view the live video by simply using a browser as a client moniter as long as you installed VLC on the client side. You can download it here, or search with keywords “EasyIPCam” in Baidu AS and download it.
经过一个周末的努力,EasyIPCam终于可以发布第一个版本了,且可以同时支持音频和视频。其中视频暂只支持MPEG4格式,音频暂只支持ALAW,但可同时支持RTP over TCP 和 RTP over UDP两种模式,这样,可以保证在Wifi和3G网络下都能正常工作。 不过,可以肯定的是还存在很多问题有待改进,慢慢来吧,有空就弄弄,没空就拖拖,呵呵。