For some reason, I found out some Apps I programmed several years ago, rebuilt them and put on my MI NOTE (Android 6.0) to run some tests. Here is my cross compile environment: NDK: former downloaded, r7c + r8b SDK: newly downloaded, 24.4.1 But when I tried to run the […]

When you are running into bugs or issues in you Android Apps, callstack information of your components would be very much helpful, defintely. Here is a post I’v found in freescale community, auther by MingZhou, it instructs you have get the caller stack information for you Android App or components. […]
How to get Callstack in Android Log File
Add an asynchronous message handler to accept NDK library’s socket connection status callback for RTSPPlayer. I’m not so familiared with messages mechenism, I turned to the article for guidance.
Add an asynchronous message callback to accept socket connection status ...
There was a bug in RTSPPlayer, that is when you poll down the preset RTSP stream source list spinner, the APP will crash with an NullPointerException. Today, I finally have it fixed.
NullPointerException error when polling down the preset url list spinner

这是来自MBA Online的一篇文章,记录了Android从诞生到现在的、在移动终端上的统治性的地位,我有向部门下的许多同仁推荐,但要放到网上来实在有些困难, 因为这图实在太大了……however, this is a really great graphic. WTH, just share it. 原文来自:
A Graphic about the Rise of Android
这几天发了神经又想来搞Android了,实在不知道该做什么,所以就从播放器入手,着手开始把EasyPlayer的代码移植到Android下,到目前为止的确有这么一个版本出来了,但这个版本未做任何优化,无论是ffmpeg解码的汇编指令,也未使用NEON指令,解码后的播放都是由JNI callback到Java来实现的,因此其效率之差可想而知,不过,用老婆的手机(Sumsung 9001)播放QVGA的音视频还算流畅,这起码也算是点安慰,下一步将先把音视频播放部分搞一搞。 先把这个版本放上来。 下载地址: 介绍说明: