April 1, 2015, a bright sunny day at Shanghai. Today is supposed to be a kidding day, however, not got so much April Fool’s Day news as usual, but an astonishing news, UniSVR is going to shut down the Shanghai office in a month. Sign, lament, or not, UniSVR Shanghai […]

Oct. 6-9th we had participated in the Taitronics 2014 Electronic Show in Taipei. Taitronics is annual event that promotes the trade between TAIWAN (R.O.C.) and other countries. They Focused on the electronics sector with a special emphasis on the next era of IT generated by cloud computing. It was a […]
[UniSVR] Taitronics 2014 Taipei

Are you as excited as we are!!?? We can’t wait to show you what we have to offer!! Las Vegas has played host to the International CES since 1978. We are expecting another FULL HOUSE! Packed with new tech, crazy ideas and innovations, you better make sure that you are […]
[UniSVR] Attending the 2015 CES at Las Vegas

Yesterday, I got to know that the UniGate is promoted to be one of the major products for UniSVR when I talked with a former colleague from UniSVR. It’s really a good thing to know. As what I always say, I have a good faith in the UniGate and IOT […]
Lastest info about UniGate IOT Controller
Although left UniSVR for a year, yet proud to say, I had particapted in this product, and played a role in this great product. For more informations, please visit: http://hermesdds.blogspot.tw ———————— UniSVR (HermesDDS supporting company) has a group of visitors on July 10th. It was our pleasure to have them […]
[UniSVR]Cloud Product and Service Demonstration to our visitors!

There is a revolution, A.K.A Sunflower Movement, going on in Taiwan since Mar, 19. Frankly, I dont know what’s the “exact” appeal of the movement leading by students of Taiwan, cause I’m not a Taiwanese, I’m not living in Taiwan, I don’t have so much informations about it, and I […]
Pray for Taiwan, God bless Taiwan

Had a party at last weekend with Mars and some others former UniSVR Shanghai R&D colleagues. Mars Chen, VP of UniSVR, responsible for CMS series of UniArgus products, my former boss, and a sincere friend. Happen to know he’s paying a visit in Shanghai on business. And last sunday, Mar […]
A small party for former UniSVRers

这是一篇关于Hercules的点评报导,原文位于:http://www.cool3c.com/article/63700 在人手一支智慧手機的時代,除了上網、打卡、玩遊戲之外,您知道手機還能為您做什麼嗎? 今天小編要評測一款由國內廠商(優網通)所開發的 App- eLook Mobile Cam ,從官網的說明我們可以得知,這款App主要的功能就是可以將您的手機變成網路攝影機,即時將影像傳輸回家中電腦儲存,並分享給親朋好友觀賞。
【癮APP】免費便宜好用就是王道!? 即時通訊軟體App才不吃你那
原报导地址:http://edn.udn.com/article/view.jsp?aid=572765&cid=10 ■吳毅倫/撰稿■ 隨著個人電腦、區域和網際網路的普及,及資訊技術的不斷進步,區域網路應用也從Client-Server的概念 進入更高的Client-Server- Device層次。使用者開始希望能將各種類型的設備,例如驅動器、感應器等非典型資訊設備,一併連接至區域網路中,建立起多功能的家用、商用物聯網。 優網通 (UniSVR)董事長楊秉禾掌握此先機,率先提出具有廣泛應用模式的「網電腦」概念,標榜讓用戶能隨時隨地、輕鬆地經由寬頻網路操作各項設備,有效率地管理、分享各類型資訊。 優 網通「網電腦系統」概念即是強調將一般採用Android作業系統主機(PC、NB、平板電腦、智慧型手機、智慧型電視)升級為網電腦主機,藉由該公司 UniArgusNoD(Network-of-Device)系統整合平台及其他搭配型轉接模組軟體,將周邊設備接口經由有線或無線區域網路串連為一 體。 透過網路進而快速在各設備串聯,打破過去電腦周邊設備廠牌、型號、類別、接口數目,以及串連距離上的限制,並整合各方的訊息格式、操 作介面、資料庫、硬 體,成功架構出具經濟效益、高自主性的多功網路用系統。優網統基於「網電腦」概念所推出的UniArgus NoD系統平台具多項特色。 UniArgus NoD採用模組化架構,可階段性提升產品性能,並持續改善與維護系統可靠度。此外,它的介面具開放性,可與Windows、Android、iOS用戶端 設備聯接,不同過去嵌入式系統商的封閉性軟硬體平台,因此能局部客製化或外加模組,有助於後續更大規模的開發應用。 優網通與台灣區電電公會合作推廣「網電腦」概念與應用,預計明年1月中旬將舉辦第2場研討會。會中除介紹網電腦概念外,更將示範操作網電腦系統產品,參加者可親身體驗網電腦的功能性與應用性,有興趣廠商,也可將此產品參加CeBIT展,擴大合作商機。 研討會請洽(02)87926666轉239,游組長。
優網通打造系統整合平台 推動網電腦商機
原报导:http://edn.udn.com/article/view.jsp?aid=584099&cid=10 【台北訊】優網通(UniSVR)公司推出免費私人雲端電腦解決方案,僅需安裝Athena Gateway for File Transfer檔案分享軟體,並搭配HermesDDS雲端服務即可體驗私有雲端應用便利性,目前除有1年免費試用外,還有新光三越禮券贈送。 針對雲端各項應用趨勢推出完整解決方案的優網通公司,以HermesDDS Service為技術核心,不需過去繁瑣防火牆或網路設定,使用者以直覺化操作進行各設備聯網;設備者更能設定、限制分享對象,密碼資訊在傳送前都經過加密,提供完善安全機制。 即 日起至1月24日前,僅需到HermesDDS網站註冊免費會員,利用產品註冊序號(Lh335-CENos-7514Q-S7451)至序號註冊區,註 冊個人Athena GW-f雲端服務,並至軟體區下載Athena Gateway for File Transfer,即可免費試用1年雲端服務。 這組序號在期限內可無限次註冊Athena GW-f服務,方便邀請親戚好友免費加入優網通會員,建立分享檔案聯絡名單外,更可利用序號註冊,建立私人雲端分享器,快速體驗雲端電腦的便利與魅力。 優網通除提供Athena GW-f體驗外,還推出多款資源分享實用軟體。例如透過Athena GW-p軟體,即使不在家中或辦公室中的特定印表機附近,也能透過HermesDDS服務,輕鬆地將該印表機轉變為雲端印表機,隨時隨地雲端操控進行列印工作。 有關產品進一步使用說明,可聯網到優網通軟體參考手冊區下載使用手冊,即日起至1月24日止。除免費試用活動外,同時舉辦新光三越禮券限量贈獎活動,詳情請參考優網通網站首頁最新消息。(吳毅倫)
優網通免費體驗雲端生活 限量新光禮券贈送
Do you have the need to share information on the net but don’t know how to make it more efficiently? UniSVR Global Information Technology Corporation has just launched its latest PC-on-PC private cloud solution. With the cutting-edge cloud-end service and various software, you can transfer and print out your files, […]
With UniSVR’s PC-on-PC, your PC is not just a PC.
I am a realist. I know that not everyone is capable of quitting their job and starting up. Bills need to be paid. Responsibilities don’t go away.