The old version of RTSPPlayer was using ffmpeg + SurfaceView + RGB565 mode to decode and render the video. However this implement is definitely a sucked one, especially when watch high quality videos. So I made some change for it. And the new solution is HW decode + GLSurfaceView + […]
2.0 (2013/5/1) svn 68 a. I got some feedback these days telling me that he/she can view nothing but a black screen after requested a stream. this version is a fix for it. b. I also added an asynchronous message handler to accept NDK library’s socket connection status callback for […]
RTSPPlayer update: a fix for ONVIF supports provided by the ...
Add an asynchronous message handler to accept NDK library’s socket connection status callback for RTSPPlayer. I’m not so familiared with messages mechenism, I turned to the article for guidance.
Add an asynchronous message callback to accept socket connection status ...
There was a bug in RTSPPlayer, that is when you poll down the preset RTSP stream source list spinner, the APP will crash with an NullPointerException. Today, I finally have it fixed.
NullPointerException error when polling down the preset url list spinner
Because most of the public online RTSP streaming source are no long availible now, so I decided to remove most of the preset RTSP streaming sources, change to a configurable user input xml(saved in /mnt/sdcard/RG4.NET/RTSPPlayer/RTSPPlayer.xml). And from now on, RTSPPlayer will start to support ONVIF devices. I will also change […]
RTSPPlayer v2.0 launched with ONVIF device supports
修改了几个反馈回来的bug. 1.2 (2012/06/27) Fix bug: Some H.264 video stream can not be parsed property issue(rtp stream does not contain SPS & PPS). Fix bug: huge video(larger than your phone’s resolution) can not show properly issue. 待完成功能: 1. 在这里边的视频列表是写死在程序里的,下一步有空我会考虑把它放到网上,然后打开程序的时候从网上同步地址,再进行视频观看。 2. 下一步计划考虑把RTSPPlayer改成一个支持所有ONVIF协议的终端的流媒体播放器,那样的话,第一项功能也就不那么重要了。 下载地址:
前两天把RTSPPlayer for android递交到应用汇,并通过了审核,应用汇里的地址:。 这个周末没事就再拿出来改改,并把版本号改为1.1。主要的改动如下: 1.1 (2012/06/17) Change application UI to fullscreen mode(@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen), Change VideoPlayer activity to LANDSCAPE mode to maximize the video. Add a menu for main UI. Add a preset URL list(hard coded url save in a spinner), so that you can just select live streaming video from the […]