One of my EasyIV project’s featured function is face detect, but obviously it was only used to collect faces for further process, like face recognition, of some other application or system working along with EasyIV. I’d say here, face recognition was also included in my plan for EasyIV. However, after […]

A new release of EasyRTMP has been launched, the major change in this version is: Added a test win32 version of streaming server(nginx) with rtmp and HLS supported to the EasyRTMP project. Try it if you like. Per my local test it seem good than the previous version. My goal […]
New release of EasyRTMP

Just confirmed that my VPS supports nginx and rtmp yesterday, so I went and digged out my ancient code of EasyRTMP, tried to re-compile it. Codes of DVR & RTP streams relay mode are lost in my previous disaster of hard disk broken at last year which caused the lost […]
Re-open EasyRTMP project

Days ago, I reinstalled nginx + nginx-rtmp-module on my notebook, and had it tested in my local environment with firefox and VLC player, made sure it worked(You can refer to this post for guide: However, when I tried to redo the working on my VPS, only to find that […]
[RTMP]JWPLAYER: Could not connect to server

I once planned to upgrade my conditional open-sourced project RTSPPlayer( to ONVIFPlayer, which requires a device with ONVIF protocol supported. However after resigned from UniSVR, I didn't have the oppotunity to access any ONVIF devices. Lucky me, I got one from one of my former colleague days before, DAEWOO 570C-X10S […]
New ONVIFPlayer lauched with ONVIF v1.0 & v2.0 supported

人体运动目标的检测与跟踪技术是计算机视觉的主要研究方向之一,在生物医学,人机交互,虚拟现实,智能安全监控,机器人技术,图像压缩,计算机图形学等领域都有着广泛的应用。 运动目标的检测就是从视频流中去除静止的背景,检测出运动的目标及携带的运动信息,运动目标的检测对跟踪等后期处理非常关键[1]。目前,运动目标的检测方法主要有四种:背景差分法、帧间差分法、光流法、基于特征的方法。 现有的目标跟踪方法主要有两类:一类是基于相关的目标跟踪。这是一种先检测后跟踪的方法,它适用于目标之间相互作用较小和背景较简单的情况 ;另一类是基于特征的目标跟踪。这是一种先跟踪后检测的方法,跟踪的结果需要检测来校正[2]。
The old version of RTSPPlayer was using ffmpeg + SurfaceView + RGB565 mode to decode and render the video. However this implement is definitely a sucked one, especially when watch high quality videos. So I made some change for it. And the new solution is HW decode + GLSurfaceView + […]
RTSPPlayer update: Supports hardware decode and render the video with ...
Download, build and install CD to build directory (home) cd /usr/build Download & unpack latest nginx-rtmp (you can also use http) git clone git:// Download & unpack nginx (you can also use svn) wget tar xzf nginx-1.2.4.tar.gz cd nginx-1.2.4 Build nginx with nginx-rtmp ./configure --add-module=/usr/build/nginx-rtmp-module make make install For […]
Getting started with nginx rtmp

↑ Introduction Streaming relays and reflectors can be used to scale streaming infrastructure by distributing load between servers and making the most efficient use of network bandwidth. A streaming reflector “tunes in” on and incoming stream and relfects it to clients. The most common setup for a reflector is reflecting […]
Darwin Streaming Server Relay Setting
2.0 (2013/5/1) svn 68 a. I got some feedback these days telling me that he/she can view nothing but a black screen after requested a stream. this version is a fix for it. b. I also added an asynchronous message handler to accept NDK library’s socket connection status callback for […]
RTSPPlayer update: a fix for ONVIF supports provided by the ...
Add an asynchronous message handler to accept NDK library’s socket connection status callback for RTSPPlayer. I’m not so familiared with messages mechenism, I turned to the article for guidance.
Add an asynchronous message callback to accept socket connection status ...
There was a bug in RTSPPlayer, that is when you poll down the preset RTSP stream source list spinner, the APP will crash with an NullPointerException. Today, I finally have it fixed.
NullPointerException error when polling down the preset url list spinner
Because most of the public online RTSP streaming source are no long availible now, so I decided to remove most of the preset RTSP streaming sources, change to a configurable user input xml(saved in /mnt/sdcard/RG4.NET/RTSPPlayer/RTSPPlayer.xml). And from now on, RTSPPlayer will start to support ONVIF devices. I will also change […]
RTSPPlayer v2.0 launched with ONVIF device supports

专业网络电视HTTP实时流媒体(HLS)分析仪,用于验证HLS流媒体格式和全面分析MPEG传输流的合规性及音视频的质量,适用于测试HLS视频服务基础设施和实时监测HLS视频服务质量。 随着智能手机和平板电脑的流行,人们将越来越多地利用这些设备观看电视节目。视频内容提供商估计在未来几 年内高达75%的电视节目将在电视机以外的其他设备上观看。在移动设备和计算机上传输视频的最常用方法是通过互联网、利用下列某种媒体流协议: RTCP,RTMP,HTTP实时流媒体(HTTP Live Streaming),和平滑流媒体(Smooth Streaming)。
应用场景 跌倒侦测主要应用于针对老人、小孩的住家看护之类的场景,如:家里的,或者养老院的老人。一旦出现跌倒,必须做到一定的反应。 工作原理 利用背景差检测画面的差异,并检测差异部分是否接近、类似人形。 补充说明 由于本算法对其应用场景有一定的特殊要求,若是放到不太合适的地方容易出现许多误报的状况。 以下是接口说明。