x264 project added OpenCL video acceleration to it’s implementation early at about 2013(not sure with the date), and my goal here is test the video encoding performance of x264 when with OpenCL video accelerator enabled. Test hardware environments: HP Pavilion 14 1. Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce GT730M card. 2. CPU: […]
This thread is direct forward from Microsoft MSDN website: http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/aa965245 Easlier in this month, I was researching hardware video encoding/decoding supports for Linux base environments, which involves Intel Media SDK & VA-API(libva). Happen to see this DXVA related post in MSDN, so I decided to copy it to my blog. […]
Supporting DXVA 2.0 in DirectShow
720P H.264 video decoding performance Yesterday I got two test H.264 ES stream files from one of my colleague. One was encoded by Main Profile, the other was encoded by Baseline Profile. Weired thing is decoding the Main Profiled file seems much more fast than the Baseline Profiled file. To […]
Performance tests of Intel Media SDK(4.0.026-HSW): Efficiency comparision between different ...

After finished my first phase of GPU – Intel Media SDK research, now it’s time to get into libva, my goal is to get a set of performance test report for both MSDK and libva, so that we can finally choose one of them, or both of them for product […]
Step by step: build libva 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Performance test – multithread decode Media SDK version Intel Media SDK (4.0.024-HSW) Test environments CPU: Core ivy bridge i7-3770 OS: Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, kernel version 3.2.0-23 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Test program kdvcodec_msdkdec_mt (svn: 10) Working mode a. Decode with simulated block mode b. Return with NV12 buffer. c. […]
Performance tests of Intel Media SDK (4.0.024-HSW) – Multithread decode
It’s a test report of current/latest version of kdvcodec_msdkdec which based on the latest version of Intel Media SDK(4.0.024-HSW). There is a known issue, NV12 to YV12 (or YUV420P) conversion, which is very low in efficiency. Here are the details.
Performance tests of Intel Media SDK (4.0.024-HSW) – Decode
Intel release an alpha version of Media SDK for linux servers (Intel® Media SDK 2013 for Linux Servers) recently, here now I am researching on it. I will record my research details in this post, as usual, can not guarantee everything I write here are exact true and right, only […]
Step by step research into Intel Media SDK for Linux ...
About The main motivation for VA-API (Video Acceleration API) is to enable hardware accelerated video decode/encode at various entry-points (VLD, IDCT, Motion Compensation etc.) for the prevailing coding standards today (MPEG-2, MPEG-4 ASP/H.263, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, and VC-1/VMW3). Extending XvMC was considered, but due to its original design for MPEG-2 ?MotionComp […]
Start GPU encoding/decoding with VA-API (Video Acceleration API)
Download Article and Source Code Download Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing and audio encode/decode usages (PDF 568KB) Download Source Code. (ZIP 98KB) (Note: Licensing terms match Media SDK 2012) Introduction The provided samples intend to illustrate how Intel® Media SDK can be used together with the popular […]
Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing and audio ...
This is a simple guide document for getting start with GPU programming by using CUDA SDK, and my working environment is WinXP + VS 2010. If you are looking for a comprehensive guide of GPU programming, you need to visit http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/index.html. Here we go. 1. Installing CUDA Development Tools Key […]