Common video communication protocol intro – ONVIF 常见视频通信协议介绍 – ONVIF P.S. It’s a Chinese version. 这是一个中文版 [gview file=”” save=”0″]
I once planned to upgrade my conditional open-sourced project RTSPPlayer( to ONVIFPlayer, which requires a device with ONVIF protocol supported. However after resigned from UniSVR, I didn't have the oppotunity to access any ONVIF devices. Lucky me, I got one from one of my former colleague days before, DAEWOO 570C-X10S […]
Because most of the public online RTSP streaming source are no long availible now, so I decided to remove most of the preset RTSP streaming sources, change to a configurable user input xml(saved in /mnt/sdcard/RG4.NET/RTSPPlayer/RTSPPlayer.xml). And from now on, RTSPPlayer will start to support ONVIF devices. I will also change […]