Extend your H.323-based applications by using NON-STANDARD messages Abstract Comparing to SIP protocol or RTSP protocol, H.323 protocol is a strict one, which has its own working flow control, and every bits in it's protocol buf has its meaning. However H.323 provided a NON-STANDARD message machenism to allow users to […]

Extend your H.323-based applications by using NON-STANDARD messages

人体运动目标的检测与跟踪技术是计算机视觉的主要研究方向之一,在生物医学,人机交互,虚拟现实,智能安全监控,机器人技术,图像压缩,计算机图形学等领域都有着广泛的应用。 运动目标的检测就是从视频流中去除静止的背景,检测出运动的目标及携带的运动信息,运动目标的检测对跟踪等后期处理非常关键[1]。目前,运动目标的检测方法主要有四种:背景差分法、帧间差分法、光流法、基于特征的方法。 现有的目标跟踪方法主要有两类:一类是基于相关的目标跟踪。这是一种先检测后跟踪的方法,它适用于目标之间相互作用较小和背景较简单的情况 ;另一类是基于特征的目标跟踪。这是一种先跟踪后检测的方法,跟踪的结果需要检测来校正[2]。


One of my VS2008 Project can not run debug, however the output windows will trace out a message like this, “Binary was not build with debug information”, when I try  run this project in debug mode. The problem is, as the error message suggests, you have not built your project […]

VS 2008 debug error: Binary was not build with debug ...

Weeks ago, I upgraded my blog to WordPress 3.8. After that, I found that if I dont use GoAgent to break the GFW, it took me about 1 minute to show the home page. After did some more check, I confirmed that its all because WordPress 3.8, and its latest […]

Solutions for WP blog slow due to Google Fonts issue

Department of Automation of USTC
It was Jan 11 to Jan 12, the day for my paper proposals. I had got a really bad cough, but managed to get my ass to Hefei, Anhui. Thanks lucy, it was she who accompanied me to the train station, 6 am, early before dawn. Maybe it was all […]

Paper proposals, and my first visit to USTC

ABSTRACT The present invention provides a method of realizing a video value-added service in a network based on the H.323 standard, including: expands the registrations, acceptances and mode RAS protocols in the H.323 standard; increase the value-added service guide and instruct messages about the video value-added service in the corresponding […]

Method for implementing video added value service in H.323 standard ...

Do you have a website or blog for your business that runs on WordPress? If you do, there are a lot of plugins out there that promise to help you optimize your site and increase sales. We decided to sift through them and find the best. These plugins will help […]

6 Great WordPress Plugins for Business Websites

As a close exam for HCI(Human-computer interaction) course, We are required to submit a curriculum design report about heuristic evaluation. I must admit it was difficult for me to write this paper, having no idea what the standard format or standard protocol for such kind of papers. There once was […]

My Curriculum design report for HCI: Heuristic Evaluation

Easy in this month, I've finished my last course of the post-graduate study in class. And I'm preparing my thesis now. Today I checked my history scores of the courses I've finished. For records, I'll save a copy on my blog here. Only two more courses waiting to be closed […]

My scores of the post-graduate study in USTC for now

Issue description: One of my program(A) got binded with an UDP port (20500) which should be assigned to another program(B), here are the steps for trace down where A binded this port: 1. start the process with strace log: strace -f -s 128 -o proxy.strace ./pxyserverapp_redhat 2. Find out the […]

Using strace for troubleshoot an UDP port issue

This weekend, we'll have our last course,Electronic information retrieval and utilization. As a close course for the post-graduate students, the major purpuse and the job is to serve the incoming degree thesis. Today, however, lots of the student, as usual, choosed to play truant. Nevertheless, I went. Good to begin […]

One last course of the Postgraduate courses

It was last week when my virtual host service ended. Instead of continue with the virtual host, I decided to upgrade and migrate my blog to a VPS. Here are the major steps you need to do to start a VPS hosting. ——————————————————– LNMP ——————————————————– 1. Installing LNMP to your […]

Migrated my blog to a VPS

Due to unknown reason, the course schedule changed again. I’d say this is really bad, cause everyone knows that students applying for On-the-job degree are busy dealing with both work and study, we have schedules, not only for the courses, but only for jobs. We prefer a stable schedule. However, […]

Rest courses arrangement(final version)