Great news from Cisco: Cisco will open open-source their H.264 codec, and make H.264 free for use in WebRTC. Here are the details, which came from blogs of Cisco by Rowan Trollope: ——————————————— When it comes to making collaboration technology such as high-definition video open and broadly available, it’s clear […]
In the past weeks, I was busy working on my new assignment: H323 protocol stack. After about two monthes hard working, I can finally say that I almost made it, which means I can figure out the reasons of most of the remained bugs/defects, and can resolve them in time […]
October 2013:Reputation comes from the company you keep
The old version of RTSPPlayer was using ffmpeg + SurfaceView + RGB565 mode to decode and render the video. However this implement is definitely a sucked one, especially when watch high quality videos. So I made some change for it. And the new solution is HW decode + GLSurfaceView + […]
RTSPPlayer update: Supports hardware decode and render the video with ...
About Phabricator, just like what said in Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software. My task here is setup Phabricator on a brand new PC. Target OS: Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit Target PC: Dell Opmix 380 Here we go.
Installation phabricator on Ubuntu 12.04
—————————————- Step # 1: Install BIND —————————————- First you need to install BIND server. Code: $ sudo apt-get install bind9 —————————————- Step # 2: Define domain: —————————————- You need to add domain to bind configuration file /etc/bind/named.conf.local Open this file and append following text (zone and reverse zone […]
How to setup name server for domain called
Last Wendsday, as usually, I could not fall into sleep at night before two and half AM at Fridays. When I got up at morning, about seven, I felt like I’ve got a cold, a bad one, however I thought I may get through it, because this happens. However, when […]
Had a fever: Prescriptions in China

This is a guide for analysis H.245 terminalCapabilitySet and figure out does the terminal supports AAC LC or AAC LD? First capture the call and it's communication packages, KDV1000-HUAWEI.pcap. Open KDV1000-HUAWEI.pcap with wireshark. Filter the KDV1000-HUAWEI.pcap with H225||H245 Locate & expand the terminalCapabilitySet Find the items from capabilityTable which capabilityIdentifier […]
Does your H323 terminal support AAC LC or AAC LD?
After went through the hottest summer ever in Shanghai, we finally can have a cool day in this weekend. However, lots of things changed/happened in this hottest season. First, Jane, my niece, went back to hometown right after spent her birthday, she said, it’s too hot. A few days later, […]
August 2013: A time for change
Download, build and install CD to build directory (home) cd /usr/build Download & unpack latest nginx-rtmp (you can also use http) git clone git:// Download & unpack nginx (you can also use svn) wget tar xzf nginx-1.2.4.tar.gz cd nginx-1.2.4 Build nginx with nginx-rtmp ./configure --add-module=/usr/build/nginx-rtmp-module make make install For […]
Getting started with nginx rtmp
This thread is direct forward from Microsoft MSDN website: Easlier in this month, I was researching hardware video encoding/decoding supports for Linux base environments, which involves Intel Media SDK & VA-API(libva). Happen to see this DXVA related post in MSDN, so I decided to copy it to my blog. […]
Supporting DXVA 2.0 in DirectShow

I’m new to H323, so if there something went wrong, please let me know it. I’ll be very apprieciated. The information in H.245 terminalCapabilitySet is really sucked. As a newbie, I have no idea what it is whatever represented in the collapsing & nonCollapsing.
Get AAC sampleRate/channels setting from H.245 terminalCapabilitySet

Make your VLC player connecting RTSP streams default with RTP over TCP mode VLC media palyer version: 2.0.8 Twoflower Follow these steps to set your default setting: Tools –> Preferences –> Input & Codecs Find “Network” settings, and check RTP over RTSP (TCP) option, then restart/reopen your rtsp network stream, […]
Make your VLC player connecting RTSP streams default with RTP ...
I bought myself a new notebook last Saturday, and installed a lot develop softwares on it. But when I tried to install Visual Studio 2010, I got a error like this: [code] [08/06/13,23:08:05] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: [2] Error code -939523550 for this component is not recognized. [08/06/13,23:08:05] Microsoft .NET […]
Failed to install Visual Studio 2010 on Win7
At the end of June, I got my left foot hurt while playing badminton. Just a few day later, I was ran over by a moto bike, and got my right foot hurt too. But comparing to what I encountered in the last year, what happened to me now are […]
July 2013: Bad thing happens
I installed ia32-libs, but got an error like this while compiling my program(already added -m32 option to CPPFLAG arguments in the Makefile) [code] jacky@ubuntu-msdk:/opt/workspace/msdk/src/msdk_client32$ make /usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. /usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. g++ -m32 -I./../base_shm […]