Great news from Cisco: Cisco will open open-source their H.264 codec, and make H.264 free for use in WebRTC. Here are the details, which came from blogs of Cisco by Rowan Trollope: ——————————————— When it comes to making collaboration technology such as high-definition video open and broadly available, it’s clear […]

Open-Sourced H.264 Removes Barriers to WebRTC

In the past weeks, I was busy working on my new assignment: H323 protocol stack. After about two monthes hard working, I can finally say that I almost made it, which means I can figure out the reasons of most of the remained bugs/defects, and can resolve them in time […]

October 2013:Reputation comes from the company you keep

About Phabricator, just like what said in Phabricator.org: Phabricator is a collection of open source web applications that help software companies build better software. My task here is setup Phabricator on a brand new PC. Target OS: Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit Target PC: Dell Opmix 380 Here we go.

Installation phabricator on Ubuntu 12.04

—————————————- Step # 1: Install BIND —————————————- First you need to install BIND server. Code: $ sudo apt-get install bind9 —————————————- Step # 2: Define rg4.net domain: —————————————- You need to add rg4.net domain to bind configuration file /etc/bind/named.conf.local Open this file and append following text (zone and reverse zone […]

How to setup name server for domain called rg4.net.

Last Wendsday, as usually, I could not fall into sleep at night before two and half AM at Fridays. When I got up at morning, about seven, I felt like I’ve got a cold, a bad one, however I thought I may get through it, because this happens. However, when […]

Had a fever: Prescriptions in China

This is a guide for analysis H.245 terminalCapabilitySet and figure out does the terminal supports AAC LC or AAC LD? First capture the call and it's communication packages, KDV1000-HUAWEI.pcap. Open KDV1000-HUAWEI.pcap with wireshark. Filter the KDV1000-HUAWEI.pcap with H225||H245 Locate & expand the terminalCapabilitySet Find the items from capabilityTable which capabilityIdentifier […]

Does your H323 terminal support AAC LC or AAC LD?

After went through the hottest summer ever in Shanghai, we finally can have a cool day in this weekend. However, lots of things changed/happened in this hottest season. First, Jane, my niece, went back to hometown right after spent her birthday, she said, it’s too hot. A few days later, […]

August 2013: A time for change

Download, build and install CD to build directory (home) cd /usr/build Download & unpack latest nginx-rtmp (you can also use http) git clone git://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module.git Download & unpack nginx (you can also use svn) wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.2.4.tar.gz tar xzf nginx-1.2.4.tar.gz cd nginx-1.2.4 Build nginx with nginx-rtmp ./configure --add-module=/usr/build/nginx-rtmp-module make make install For […]

Getting started with nginx rtmp

This thread is direct forward from Microsoft MSDN website: http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/aa965245 Easlier in this month, I was researching hardware video encoding/decoding supports for Linux base environments, which involves Intel Media SDK & VA-API(libva). Happen to see this DXVA related post in MSDN, so I decided to copy it to my blog. […]

Supporting DXVA 2.0 in DirectShow

Make your VLC player connecting RTSP streams default with RTP over TCP mode VLC media palyer version: 2.0.8 Twoflower Follow these steps to set your default setting: Tools –> Preferences –> Input & Codecs Find “Network” settings, and check RTP over RTSP (TCP) option, then restart/reopen your rtsp network stream, […]

Make your VLC player connecting RTSP streams default with RTP ...

I bought myself a new notebook last Saturday, and installed a lot develop softwares on it. But when I tried to install Visual Studio 2010, I got a error like this: [code] [08/06/13,23:08:05] Microsoft .NET Framework 4: [2] Error code -939523550 for this component is not recognized. [08/06/13,23:08:05] Microsoft .NET […]

Failed to install Visual Studio 2010 on Win7

At the end of June, I got my left foot hurt while playing badminton. Just a few day later, I was ran over by a moto bike, and got my right foot hurt too. But comparing to what I encountered in the last year, what happened to me now are […]

July 2013: Bad thing happens

I installed ia32-libs, but got an error like this while compiling my program(already added -m32 option to CPPFLAG arguments in the Makefile) [code] jacky@ubuntu-msdk:/opt/workspace/msdk/src/msdk_client32$ make /usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. /usr/include/features.h:324:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. g++ -m32 -I./../base_shm […]

How to compile 32 bit programs on 64 bit Ubuntu ...