H.265 definitely is one of the top topics for video and streaming media developers, and H.265 will be one of the key technique for Kedacom’s new VC products(To be released within 2014). I’m here to share with you a simple guide of start with x265. As you know, x265 project […]

Step by step to build x265 HEVC library

AAC Profile definitions - audioObjectType 9


EasyRTMP 3
Just confirmed that my VPS supports nginx and rtmp yesterday, so I went and digged out my ancient code of EasyRTMP, tried to re-compile it. Codes of DVR & RTP streams relay mode are lost in my previous disaster of hard disk broken at last year which caused the lost […]

Re-open EasyRTMP project

Days ago, I reinstalled nginx + nginx-rtmp-module on my notebook, and had it tested in my local environment with firefox and VLC player, made sure it worked(You can refer to this post for guide: http://rg4.net/archives/1414.html). However, when I tried to redo the working on my VPS, only to find that […]

[RTMP]JWPLAYER: Could not connect to server

Getting started with nginx rtmp 1
I was once using nginx, nginx-rtmp-module and EasyRTMP(http://rg4.net/easyrtmp) to streaming live video with rtmp mode. It was just for fun, and I didn’t find a chance to utilize it in work. I suggested it to my boss year ago, but it was turned down, comparing to the works on schedule […]

A simple guide to start rtmp streaming with nginx

75 Essential Cheat Sheets for Designers and Programmers
As an old coder involved in difference languages, once upon a time, I planned to arrange a FAQ(A.K.A Cheat sheet) for the languages I might use not every day but occasionally. I never did it. However, someone did. Here is some essential cheat sheets, posted by vikas in DesignZum, which […]

75 Essential Cheat Sheets for Designers and Programmers

What Happens to Older Developers? 7
Found a great post which is about “Old coder(s)”, I’m not that old yet, however, just like the author said, I need to plan it, right now, cause what I am now is right what he was, experienced in manny fields, and a developer like that is the least one […]

What Happens to Older Developers?

There is a revolution, A.K.A Sunflower Movement, going on in Taiwan since Mar, 19. Frankly, I dont know what’s the “exact” appeal of the movement leading by students of Taiwan, cause I’m not a Taiwanese, I’m not living in Taiwan, I don’t have so much informations about it, and I […]

Pray for Taiwan, God bless Taiwan

Mars's bithday party
Had a party at last weekend with Mars and some others former UniSVR Shanghai R&D colleagues. Mars Chen, VP of UniSVR, responsible for CMS series of UniArgus products, my former boss, and a sincere friend. Happen to know he’s paying a visit in Shanghai on business. And last sunday, Mar […]

A small party for former UniSVRers

When you are running into bugs or issues in you Android Apps, callstack information of your components would be very much helpful, defintely. Here is a post I’v found in freescale community, auther by MingZhou, it instructs you have get the caller stack information for you Android App or components. […]

How to get Callstack in Android Log File

I once planned to upgrade my conditional open-sourced project RTSPPlayer(http://rg4.net/rtspplayer) to ONVIFPlayer, which requires a device with ONVIF protocol supported. However after resigned from UniSVR, I didn't have the oppotunity to access any ONVIF devices. Lucky me, I got one from one of my former colleague days before, DAEWOO 570C-X10S […]

New ONVIFPlayer lauched with ONVIF v1.0 & v2.0 supported

People love Google+ Hangouts for meetings. People also love big LCD screens in conference rooms for meetings. What if they both moved to California and got married? We’re in luck – today Google announced “Chromebox for meetings” – their first foray into the world of room-based video conferencing, with CDW as a […]

Hands-on with Google’s new “Chromebox for meetings”