Planning to write a series of posts about debugging & trouble shooting tricks. And I’d like to make backtrace as a start. As a typical programmer(AKA nerd), I’d like to jump to the topic directly before run into blah-blah. Everyone knows, bug is free, so it may be at everywhere, […]

Debugging & troubleshooting tutorial: backtrace + addr2line

1. Wireshark 1.10.10 source code download The source code can be downloaded from page, and can be downloaded by SVN tools, such as TortoiseSVN, from repository You can download the latest version instead, but the latest version requires Qt, means you need download an extra tool: Qt 5.3.2. […]

Step by step to compile wireshark 1.10.10

Last month, just before the long holiday, a tumor was found in Mom’s throat(Says Thyroid Cancer). Early in this month, we got the test result which telling “it’s not a bad tumor”, however, suggestion from the doctor was, better to get rid of it.So we booked a surgery for it, […]

Mom’s surgery

In the last holiday (Oct 1), we dropped by ShaoXin on the way back to hometown, and paied a visit at Luxun Native Place. All I should say is: I finally saw a house which is called as Large families(大户人家), If you read a lot of LuXun’s Essays in your […]

Lu Xun Native Place – A biggest house ever saw

BFCP - HelloAck - SupportedPrimitives
I’m participating in a project which was targeted to dual stream control together with MTs of Polycom and Huawei, by using BFCP protocol while a SIPProxy is invloved. Working environment: A. Several MTs working behind different NAT. B. A Polycom SIP Proxy Server in internet. MT: Polycom MT model: POLYCOM […]

BFCP sucks

Being a networking related product developer, we always face issues which can not be easily reproducted in LAB(because in most cases we have LAN only environments). Here I introduce you a tool, WANem – a WAN emulator tool from TATA. And we can benifit a lot in reproducing issues or […]

A Simple Tutorial for WANem

One of my EasyIV project’s featured function is face detect, but obviously it was only used to collect faces for further process, like face recognition, of some other application or system working along with EasyIV. I’d say here, face recognition was also included in my plan for EasyIV. However, after […]

EzFaceRecognizer – a simple implementation of face recognition

Although left UniSVR for a year, yet proud to say, I had particapted in this product, and played a role in this great product. For more informations, please visit: ———————— UniSVR (HermesDDS supporting company) has a group of visitors on July 10th.  It was our pleasure to have them […]

[UniSVR]Cloud Product and Service Demonstration to our visitors!

Easlier in the month, got a message from the school telling the mid-term examination of our dissertation is incoming. The scheduled time will be around mid-august. I was once told that I can’t be in the list who can have the Thesis Defense in Oct, because I’m a Gendu students. […]

Incoming of the Mid-term examination

video resolution table 5
A sample packet of H.245 terminalCapabilitySet Step 1: LEVEL(unsignedMin: 78 – Level 3.2) H.264 Level: 3.2, we can find out the max capability of level 3.2 by referring to the H.264 level limitation table.

H.323 capability calculation for H.264 video

July, 2014, there was two big events to me in sport. World Cup, and LeBron’s leaving decision before the final game of World Cup. What I want say here is about LeBron’s New decision. There is a Chinese Saying, 好马不吃回头草(The good horse does not keep resuming things given up), IMO, […]

July 2014: Why LeBron left Miami and back for Cleveland?

To enhance the OSD functions for EasyRTMP, I tried to upgraded the ffmpeg to the latest version(2.2.4). After a bounch of code/interface adjustment, it finally passed the test in debug version. But while I tried to bulid it in release version, and tried to run it. A familiar dialog poped […]

EasyRTMP failed to startup in release version after upgraded to ...

2014/6/14, second day of the World Cup, also the weekend at Shanghai. It was about a quarter to 5, I was pretending to be an old football fan, watching Robben and Van Persie V.S. Spanish. Mom got up, and went to the living room, and powered off the TV with a […]

Mom: does the World Cup have any business with you?

EasyRTMP 1
A new release of EasyRTMP has been launched, the major change in this version is: Added a test win32 version of streaming server(nginx) with rtmp and HLS supported to the EasyRTMP project. Try it if you like. Per my local test it seem good than the previous version. My goal […]

New release of EasyRTMP