GUID, Globally Unique Identifier, aka UUID(Universally Unique Identifier), is very useful when you need a global identifier in you program. GUID is a 128-bit integer number used to identify resources. The term GUID is generally used by developers working with Microsoft technologies, while UUID is used everywhere else.
I was having problem while updating one of my plugin weeks ago, telling me that Could not create directory. /home/<>/public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-manager Plugin install failed. or Unable to locate WordPress Content directory (wp-content).
Solution to fix WordPress update failure issue

Before the story, I’d like to say Happy Chinese New Year to you all, and wish you a great year of 2015. It was about compiling latest source code of WebRTC (NOT A TECH TIP). Here we go.
A story of re-installing WebRTC developing environment
Days earlier, ran into an issue which was H.323 ID related when conferencing with CISCO and LIFESIZE endpoints. Normally we got used to set the H.323 ID with any charactors we want. But seems some manufacturors like CISCO and LIFESIZE don’t think it appropriate, because they are adapting some rules […]
About alias: H.323 ID
I’v been using Chrome as my primary browser for years, enjoying the speed by SPDY. But seems time to say goodbye to SPDY now. Hope HTTP/2 will bring the same experience with it.
Google ditches its own protocol for HTTP/2 and a faster ...
As you know, there are LIMIT settings in Linux OS which may have something to do with some frequent-happen-issue. Such as stack size, open files, core file generation, etc. Here are some tips about ulimit, core, and some debugging tricks relevant. 1. ulimit comamnd —————————— To view your OS limitations, […]
Debugging & troubleshooting tutorial: core dump debug
Encountered a capability negotiation issue when conferencing with a HUAWEI terminal. It happened in a dual stream(H.239) capability negotiation. Environments: 1. According to the H.245 TCS, both terminal have 1080P 60 fps capability. 2. The band width setting was extreme low. 3. HUAWEI sent a OLC request with 4CIF H.264 […]
[H.323] TCS negotiation rule of HUAWEI

Some friends and former colleagues are focusing on wearable products developing, and invited me to participate with them. Got to admit, it’s intresting. And here is a big news in the field of wearables from Apple.
iPhone Companion App used to control Apple Watch unveiled with ...

Encounter a H.264 video capability issue while conferencing with HUAWEI TEx0 MT. Both MTs(H800 and TEx0) have 1080P 60 fps H.264 video capability, but HUAWEI MT will send an OLC request with 1080P 30 fps when starting open the logical channel, while conferencing with Cisco MTs, this issue doesn’t happen. […]
An issue about HUAWEI TEx0 H.264 video capability calculating

Oct. 6-9th we had participated in the Taitronics 2014 Electronic Show in Taipei. Taitronics is annual event that promotes the trade between TAIWAN (R.O.C.) and other countries. They Focused on the electronics sector with a special emphasis on the next era of IT generated by cloud computing. It was a […]
[UniSVR] Taitronics 2014 Taipei

Are you as excited as we are!!?? We can’t wait to show you what we have to offer!! Las Vegas has played host to the International CES since 1978. We are expecting another FULL HOUSE! Packed with new tech, crazy ideas and innovations, you better make sure that you are […]
[UniSVR] Attending the 2015 CES at Las Vegas
Facing a new task of standardizing SIP protocols for the Kedacom conference Endpoints. So I digged into some RFC document recently. Here are some key notes for RFC3264: An OfferAnswer Model with the Session Description Protocol (SDP) 1. Capatibility comparison – Direction —————————————– If “a=sendrecv” attribute does not exist, or […]
Some key notes for RFC3264

Interest in Google’s Project Ara is definitely very high among the tech loving community around the world. In the coming months, we expect to hear a lot more about the project as Google plans to launch the first device under the project by late 2015. The Mountain View based company […]
Google shares SoC details for its modular smartphone coming 2015

Yesterday, Dec 17, 2014, a notice was launched on Apple Developer site, asking developers to submit 64 bit Apps to App Store for IOS, and all the Apps without 64 bit support will not be approved after June 1, 2015. This could be a big requirement for me, and for […]
Big Announcement from Apple: All the Apps need to be ...

Yesterday, I got to know that the UniGate is promoted to be one of the major products for UniSVR when I talked with a former colleague from UniSVR. It’s really a good thing to know. As what I always say, I have a good faith in the UniGate and IOT […]