Working on a Loongson(www.loongson.cn) PC, goal is to make it a Meeting Terminal. Because its CPU is MIPS arch, there could be lots of unexpected problems, so the first thought hit us is WebRTC. This post is the first step to research into this topic.

A simple guide of starting use EasyRTC

The mechanism is simple like this: 1. Pull/Clone your own repository(which was forked from another repository) to a local PC. 2. Add remote source repository to a tag of the local copy. 3. Do local merge for the two repositories. 4. Resolve the conflications if exists. 5. Commit the local […]

A simple script to sync a forked repository with the ...

I was using PageLines’s Platform theme for over 3 years, I really liked it. It’s simple, fast, and easy to use. The only problem is Platform theme does not mobile friendly, it’s sucked when you visit my blog by your smart phone. And this became the root reason of my […]

Have my blog theme changed

This question was origined from an experience of conferencing with different meeting terminals, including Polycom, Cisco, Tandburg, Huawei, etc. In our current implementation of SIP conference, we are using a stream_id tag in the Video Fast Update command to  tell the peer we are requesting an Intra frame for a […]

Media Control(Video Picture Fast Update) mechanism for SIP

Details of the issue: The situation is H600 can establish H.460 calls with most of the GKs around the world, but failed to a Polycom GK. Allow me to explain the details of this issue: 1. Caller: Group500, callee: H600, GK/MCU: Polycom RMX 2000 2. Group500 sent a call to […]

Failed to establish H.460 call through Polycom MCU issue

A couple of engineering students from Rice University is taking virtual reality to the next level with a glove that lets you feel what you’re holding onto. Much of the news regarding virtual reality is centered around our vision, but what makes reality better than virtual is that it tingles […]

Students take VR to new heights with feedback-enabled gloves

Big uncle, my father in law’s big brother, passed away the day before yesterday, after his eighty three’s birthday. He was known as a teacher, and vegetable farmer in his late twenty years. He was a energetic, healthy man, until one day he got a stroke when he was winning […]

Goodbye, my big uncle

Got the break/top news right after went back from the badminton field, what Should I say, Wow. Finally, eventually, Nokia is back, with this big move, looking forward to it’s next step to reveal the confuses in everyone’s mind. Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-04/15/c_134154436.htm

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent merger arouses mixed feelings in Finland

As I knew, H.264 ES stream file can be played back by CorePlayer(Commercial version of MPlayer). But not VLC Player. But as I was told that someone did use VLC Player to player H.264 ES stream file. So made some further dig into this issue, turned out the old version […]

Make VLC player to support play H.264 ES stream file

April 1, 2015, a bright sunny day at Shanghai. Today is supposed to be a kidding day, however, not got so much April Fool’s Day news as usual, but an astonishing news, UniSVR is going to shut down the Shanghai office in a month. Sign, lament, or not, UniSVR Shanghai […]

UniSVR is shutting down Shanghai office

Backgroud: 1. Both H800 and Avaya MCU 5110 support up to H.264 1080P video. 2. Avaya MCU supports 720P video when conferencing with Avaya endpoints(XT1000) 3. H800 Called by(Or calling to) Avaya(RADVision) MCU 5110, the opened video channel can only max to 4CIF.

OLC process rule of Avaya MCU 5110

x264 project added OpenCL video acceleration to it’s implementation early at about 2013(not sure with the date), and my goal here is test the video encoding performance of x264 when with OpenCL video accelerator enabled. Test hardware environments: HP Pavilion 14 1. Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce GT730M card. 2. CPU: […]

Step by step to enable x264 with OpenCL – NVIDIA ...

Yesterday, got a mail from Google, telling a big announcement about Google Code project, which was started in 2006, and the Google Code service will be shutting down over the coming months, because a lot has changed since 2006, and it’s time to recognize that Google Code’s mission to provide […]

Google Code is shutting down