After finished my first phase of GPU – Intel Media SDK research, now it’s time to get into libva, my goal is to get a set of performance test report for both MSDK and libva, so that we can finally choose one of them, or both of them for product […]

Step by step: build libva 1.2.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Performance test – multithread decode Media SDK version Intel Media SDK (4.0.024-HSW) Test environments CPU: Core ivy bridge i7-3770 OS: Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, kernel version 3.2.0-23 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Test program kdvcodec_msdkdec_mt (svn: 10) Working mode a. Decode with simulated block mode b. Return with NV12 buffer. c. […]

Performance tests of Intel Media SDK (4.0.024-HSW) – Multithread decode

It’s a test report of current/latest version of kdvcodec_msdkdec which based on the latest version of Intel Media SDK(4.0.024-HSW). There is a known issue, NV12 to YV12 (or YUV420P) conversion, which is very low in efficiency. Here are the details.

Performance tests of Intel Media SDK (4.0.024-HSW) – Decode

Really happy that I’ve finished my last degree course, Software Project Management. Cost of this exam is I missed my first and also the biggest and most important event of my employer in the year. There are still 5 more required/compulsory courses, that those will be: a. Software Architecture & […]

Finished my last degree course

Intel release an alpha version of Media SDK for linux servers (Intel® Media SDK 2013 for Linux Servers) recently, here now I am researching on it. I will record my research details in this post, as usual,  can not guarantee everything I write here are exact true and right, only […]

Step by step research into Intel Media SDK for Linux ...

Graduate season June 28th, 2013, Friday, a day happen to be free for me, and happen to be Catherine’s last day for her kindergarten. Congratualtions, She’s soon be a primary school pupil. And she got her one more certificate than her father, Painting certificate. :'( :'( :'( 😀 😀 😀 […]

June 2013: Graduate season

About The main motivation for VA-API (Video Acceleration API) is to enable hardware accelerated video decode/encode at various entry-points (VLD, IDCT, Motion Compensation etc.) for the prevailing coding standards today (MPEG-2, MPEG-4 ASP/H.263, MPEG-4 AVC/H.264, and VC-1/VMW3). Extending XvMC was considered, but due to its original design for MPEG-2 ?MotionComp […]

Start GPU encoding/decoding with VA-API (Video Acceleration API)

Download Article and Source Code Download Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing and audio encode/decode usages (PDF 568KB) Download Source Code. (ZIP 98KB) (Note: Licensing terms match Media SDK 2012) Introduction The provided samples intend to illustrate how Intel® Media SDK can be used together with the popular […]

Integrating Intel® Media SDK with FFmpeg for mux/demuxing and audio ...

Early in this month, I watched a movie 《中国合伙人》. I don’t know the English name of this movie, Chinese partner? Don’t care. What I want to say here is the lead role in this movie was really not a great speech maker at all, however he is one of the greatest one now, […]

Reading book “GOD’S DEBRIS – A Thought Experiment”

1. Create a new UUID In ANDROID_DIR/external/opencore/codecs_v2/omx/omx_common/include/pv_omxcore.h #if USE_DYNAMIC_LOAD_OMX_COMPONENTS #define PV_OMX_MP3DEC_UUID OsclUuid(0x1d4769f0,0xca0c,0x11dc,0x95,0xff,0x08,0x00,0x20,0x0c,0x9a,0x 70)

How to add a 3rd party library to opencore?

I changed the vcxproj file location for one of the projects in the solution,  and re-added this project to the solution. The project compiled fine and worked. However recently, I went to the Resource View to edit some dialogs and the window is completely empty. I can’t remember if I […]

Why my VC2010’s Resource View and Class View are both ...

This is a simple guide document for getting start with GPU programming by using CUDA SDK, and my working environment is  WinXP + VS 2010. If you are looking for a comprehensive guide of GPU programming, you need to visit http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/index.html. Here we go. 1. Installing CUDA Development Tools Key […]

A simple guide to start GPU programming