Yearly summary of 2012

I lost all my documents in the last year because of the hard disk damaged and can not be repaired and recovered, and I was busy attending weddings/birthday parties in the end of the year and the spring festival holiday when I was supposed to be writing the yearly summary document, so as a result turned out, I have only a week-end to prepare it.

It’s not including lot of thoughts and feelings I wished to express, but somehow someday I will make some fix and make it more comprehensive and full covered.


1 2012年综述3
2 本年度的主要研发工作回顾… 3
2.1 Hermes DSS. 3
2.2 UniArgus Express4
2.3 CMS/CVS/CMS 2.3b. 4
2.4 UA Linux(iNVR/e-Look)… 4
2.5 Android SDK.. 5
2.6 Others5
3 部门总结… 5
3.1 人事相关… 5
3.2 部门内的协调与沟通… 5
3.3 部门间沟通… 6
4 个人总结… 6
4.1 UniArgus 相关开发… 7
4.2 服务和协助部门员工… 7
5 UniArgus 阶段性回顾与思考… 8
5.1 Streaming Media分发及稳定性… 8
5.2 ASIO架构下Random crash的问题… 9
5.3 独立的epoll socket module的实现… 9
5.4 改善Server功能逻辑流程… 9
5.5 通用设备… 10
5.6 Android/iOS SDK.. 10
6 寄语2013. 10

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