Yearly Archives: 2013

WebRTC Voice Engine - AGC control workflow 2
Introduction of this document This module includes software based acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), automatic gain control (AGC), noise reduction, noise suppression and hardware access and control across multiple platforms. My ultimate goal will be wrapping an independent module out of WebRTC’s Voice Engine for our product, and the first task […]

Reading codes of WebRTC: Deep into WebRTC Voice Engine(draft)

Work After 3 weeks so called “rest”, watching movies, picking up Catherine after her classes are over, I finally got to check in Kedacom on April 18. A life fresh new starts, surrounding with lots of “strangers”, without any IM tools allowed in the office, doing works by a PC […]

April, 2013: A fresh new start

Phase 1:  Learn & master the existing MediaSDK & the sample programs. —————————————————————————- 1. Add audio output device enumlation and selection option for playertester 2. Add audio input device enumlation and selection option for castertester 3. Add Mute setting for castertester 4. Add Microphone boost option for castertester. 5. UI […]

First week in the new company

1. 下载安装svn客户端,例如TortoiseSVN。安装完后,svn执行目录自动被添加入系统环境变量PATH中。 2. 下载并安装msysgit和Tortoisegit msysgit下载地址: Tortoisegit下载地址: 选择适合自己系统的版本,下载并安装(注:Tortoisegit只是一个gui,必须安装msysgit) Tortoisegit安装时会找到git目录并自动配置好。把msysgit中bin目录手动添加到系统环境变量PATH中,比如我的目录是“D:/Program Files/Git/bin” 3. 下载并安装Python,建议安装Python2.6 下载地址:。安装后Python执行目录自动被添加入系统环境变量PATH中。 4. 下载并配置depot_tools     建立一个存放depot_tools的目录,command进入该目录     svn co     下载后把depot_tools目录手动添加到系统环境变量PATH中 5. 建立WebRTC的源码目录     比如E:/Developer/WebRTC/ 6. 打开cmd,进入第5步建立的源码目录 7. 执行:  gclient config         或者 gclient.bat config 8. 执行:  gclient sync –force (注意这里是两个- […]
