We finished our last class of data mining, and Professor Zhu(朱明) would like to close this course by a thesis about data mining, and the data material would better if relevant to our job.
Here are the detail requirements:
The five steps about writing this thesis:
1) 业务需求分析 比如:为了研究XXX数据,对YYY有帮助,bla bla bla bla…
2) 定义数据挖掘任务 比如:找出ZZZ数据, 要有关键句:这是一个分类/关联/聚类/异类挖掘任务
3) 数据准备,预处理 要说明数据来历
4) 应用的数据挖掘算法 用软件的截屏来说明(Weka)
5) 对结果进行评估 分析是否能解决需求提出的问题
Algorithm & data mining tools download:
Weka: http://sourceforge.net/projects/weka/?source=dlp
Dataset for analysis(if you using a public dataset for data mining)
Google with keywords like these: uci machine-learning database
Data downloads: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/
Draft submit: April 20, 2013
Due date: April 25, 2013